Wednesday, September 30, 2009


What is Iron?

Iron is a pretty common metal. You’ve probably interacted with at least three or four things made out of iron just so far this morning. With a chemical symbol Fe, and an atomic number of 26, Iron is one of those trace elements that we need to go about our lives as organic beings. It is an integral part of a lot of those enzymes and proteins that we’ve talked about before.

Where are you going to find iron in your body? Well, around two-thirds of it you’ll find in hemoglobin. I bet you’ve heard of that before at a doctor visit, but this hemoglobin is the protein in your blood that ferries oxygen around in your body.

What’s In It for Me?

Well, for one, the ferrying of oxygen around your body is kind of important. Our bodies need a lot of oxygen and getting it where it needs to go is just all kinds of important. Making sure you’ve got enough iron in your body will make sure you don’t feel drowsy all the time and help to increase your performance. It also helps maintain your immune system so you don’t catch all those nasty diseases going about!

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

Head on over to for more information!

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