Thursday, September 24, 2009


What is Magnesium?

With the chemical symbol Mg, Magnesium is a pretty awesome mineral. On the whole, Magnesium is the eleventh most prevalent mineral in your body right this second. Magnesium, because of its chemical makeup, is a very reactive material. This is a good thing because there are a lot of enzymes in your body right this second that need this reactive quality to perform their chemical duties!

Did you know that only about 33% of the American public meets their daily recommended allowance of Magnesium? That’s not exactly a lot of people, believe you me. So now you’re sitting there thinking to yourself, “Why would I want to be in that 33%?” Well, there’s a pretty easy answer to that.

What’s In It for Me?

To understand how this is important, let’s discuss what these enzymes do. An enzyme in your body acts as a catalyst. Do you remember what a catalyst does from high school chemistry? You do? That’s great! But there are others out there that don’t, so let me explain: a catalyst lowers the energy necessary for a chemical reaction.

So let’s talk about a chemical reaction… like the one that needs to happen for your muscle to contract and move your finger to click the mouse. The enzymes in your body make it easier for you to do this. And the magnesium in your body is making the enzymes lives’ easier by helping power this reaction.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

Head on over to for more information!

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