Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Omega Acids

What are These Omega Acids?

It’s probably a little bit like the various vitamins we’ve talked about before. I’m sure you remember them, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin Etc… they’re all there. Well, the Omega fatty acids are fatty acids that help your body to function. And there are more than a few here that your body needs. Like…

What is Omega 3 and What Can it Do for Me?

One of the two essential fatty acids, Omega 3, has quite a few things that this chemical can do for you. Studies indicate that it can help to decrease your risks for colon, breast, and prostate cancer. It can decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease. On top of these, it can also provide stimulation for healthy growth in the younger members of your family.

What is Omega 6 and What Can it Do for Me?

Omega 6 is sort of the teammate of Omega 3. They both do a lot of the same things and their lack is the culprit behind a lot of heart disease. The important thing is that you get a balance of each of these two chemicals. Together, they’ll the same sorts of things, as long as you have a balance… like the one created in Seven+.

What is Omega 7 and What Can it Do For Me?

Omega 7, on the other hand has a different mandate. It is created from an acid that declines in the human body as you grow older. This will essentially help to rejuvenate your skin and strengthen your digestive and respiratory processes. Your body will create this chemical naturally, but Omega 7 will help replenish these acids.

What is Omega 9 and What Can it Do For Me?

Omega 9 is the last of these fatty acids that your body makes use of and it does something else entirely from the other three in Seven+. What can it do? Well, it does a lot of great things like reduce your cholesterol levels and reduces the resistance to insulin (improving your blood sugar). It also assists in immune system functioning and protection against some forms of cancer.

What Does it All Mean?

When combined, all of these different Omega acids provide a number of benefits to the human body. It’s not so much a “what can these do for me” as a “what can’t these do for me”.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

Head on over to for more information

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