Tuesday, November 24, 2009


What is Astragalus?

Astragalus is the name of one of the largest groups of plants in the world. I know this seems daunting, but when used properly, it can do a number of delightful things to your body. However, in this case, we’re going to focus on the two largest functions of this chemical in the body.

First of all, astragalus will improve your immune function. Studies are indicating that it helps produce the immune cells that are so very vital to your health. This is especially important at this time of year when people are getting sick all the time by not taking good care of themselves.

Secondly, astragalus will assist in the care of various heart conditions. Your blood pressure will decrease and blood vessels can relax. While this is not yet researched enough to replace conventional care, studies are very positive.

What’s In It for Me?

On top of astragalus’s effect on your immune system and heart functioning, this chemical will also help keep you going. In some cases, it is used to help restore immune function after chemotherapy. Can you imagine the boost that that could give your system? I know I’m already starting to sniffle for my yearly cold… maybe it’s time to pick up some Seven+ Pro…

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Monday, November 16, 2009


What is Eleutherococcus?

I’m sure you remember a little while ago when ginseng was all the rage. You couldn’t sneeze without hitting a product that was using it for one purpose or another. Do you remember what it was for? Helping memory function? Does that sound familiar? If it doesn’t, then maybe we should look into getting some more of this into your diet. Well, eleutherococcus is from the same family of plants.

In this case, the eleutherococcus acts as an adaptogen in your body. An adaptogen is a chemical that facilitates your body’s reactions to external and internal stimuli. In this case, it’ll help you fight off that flu you feel coming off and will also help deal with when the room is just way too hot for your comfort.

What’s In It for Me?

So what will adding this delightful little chemical to your diet with Seven+ Pro do for you? Well, for one, it will help strengthen the body to resist fatigue and stress. Having a hard time at the office for the last month? Your body will have an easier time fighting off that nasty seasonal cold that you’ve been cooking. It can also help normalize your blood pressure and stimulate your immune system. And this time of year, I don’t think anyone can say no to that.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Amino Acids

What are Amino Acids?

It doesn’t get much simpler than this: Amino Acids are the building blocks of life. Are you ready for your chemistry moment? You are? Good. In general, the string of chemicals H2NCHRCOOH is considered to be your go-to composition for an amino acid.

These amino acids are the cornerstones of proteins. These proteins form the very fundamental building blocks of your body. When your body breaks protein down during digestion (like after a fantastic meal), it releases twenty-two different types of amino acid into your body. So now you’re wondering what these acids do for you, aren’t you?

What’s In It for Me?

In some ways, it’s almost easier to explain what an amino acid won’t do for you. Amino acids are going to build your cells, they’re going to repair your tissues, and they’re going to create antibodies when you catch that damnable cold for the third time this winter. These acids carry oxygen throughout your body and help facilitate all of your muscular motions. Do those things sound important? They sure sound pretty important to me. It’s a pretty tough burden for such a little chemical, but an amino acid knows its job and does it better than anyone else.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Omega Acids

What are These Omega Acids?

It’s probably a little bit like the various vitamins we’ve talked about before. I’m sure you remember them, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin Etc… they’re all there. Well, the Omega fatty acids are fatty acids that help your body to function. And there are more than a few here that your body needs. Like…

What is Omega 3 and What Can it Do for Me?

One of the two essential fatty acids, Omega 3, has quite a few things that this chemical can do for you. Studies indicate that it can help to decrease your risks for colon, breast, and prostate cancer. It can decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease. On top of these, it can also provide stimulation for healthy growth in the younger members of your family.

What is Omega 6 and What Can it Do for Me?

Omega 6 is sort of the teammate of Omega 3. They both do a lot of the same things and their lack is the culprit behind a lot of heart disease. The important thing is that you get a balance of each of these two chemicals. Together, they’ll the same sorts of things, as long as you have a balance… like the one created in Seven+.

What is Omega 7 and What Can it Do For Me?

Omega 7, on the other hand has a different mandate. It is created from an acid that declines in the human body as you grow older. This will essentially help to rejuvenate your skin and strengthen your digestive and respiratory processes. Your body will create this chemical naturally, but Omega 7 will help replenish these acids.

What is Omega 9 and What Can it Do For Me?

Omega 9 is the last of these fatty acids that your body makes use of and it does something else entirely from the other three in Seven+. What can it do? Well, it does a lot of great things like reduce your cholesterol levels and reduces the resistance to insulin (improving your blood sugar). It also assists in immune system functioning and protection against some forms of cancer.

What Does it All Mean?

When combined, all of these different Omega acids provide a number of benefits to the human body. It’s not so much a “what can these do for me” as a “what can’t these do for me”.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Beta Carotene

What is Beta Carotene?

Beta Carotene is another chemical that has antioxidant properties (remember, we’ve covered a few of those before). You can find it in such things as palm oil, fungi and algae… but don’t let that turn you away. For those of you who liked high school chemistry, the chemical symbol for Beta Carotene is C40H56. That, my friends, is a lot of carbon and hydrogen.

The important thing is that your body can turn this chemical into retinol. Does that sound familiar? Well, keep reading.

What’s In It for Me?

Do you remember Vitamin A and its form in animals, Retinol? You know that lovely chemical that does all sorts of lovely things for your vision. Well, one of the things your body does with is convert this chemical into Retinol.

Well, this is required for the production of the chemical rhodopsin… and I know I’m throwing a lot of chemical names at you here, but rhodopsin is a visual pigment in your eye that is used in low light situations. You remember when you were a kid and your parents told you carrots would help you see in the dark better? That’s Beta Carotene.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Folic Acid

What is Folic Acid?

Possessing the chemical composition of C19H19 N7O6, you’re most likely to find folic acid in vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and turnips. In general, it’s very important during phases of rapid cell division and growth. It is also important in the maintenance of new cells. For example, in 1931, the research Lucy Wills identified folate as a nutrient that was needed to prevent anemia (which is to say a lack of healthy red blood cells) during pregnancy. That’s definitely something that you would do well to avoid.

What’s In It for Me?

Folic acid has a lot of fun benefits to your body. Right off the top, studies indicate that folic acid can decrease the risk of stroke in a person. On top of this, folic acid regulates certain amino acids that are normally found in blood. Folic acid keeps the levels of these amino acids low since high levels can lead to heart disease and stroke.

In addition to those, folic acid assists in the prevention of cancer. Cancer, is essentially, the breakdown of DNA in your cells. Folic acid is associated with the repair and functioning of DNA, so if you have a healthy amount in your body, you can decrease the chances of this happening.

Is that enough? No? Well, deficiencies of folic acid have been linked to depressions. On top of that, sufficient amounts in older individuals have also shown an increase in mental agility. It’s really got something for everybody!

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Monday, October 5, 2009


What is Calcium?

With the chemical symbol Ca and the atomic number 20, Calcium is another one of those minerals that is so very important for your body. How many times have you heard a commercial saying that you should drink more milk? You’ve probably completely lost count, haven’t you? Well, the reason you should drink more milk is because it’s a high source of calcium. And calcium, say it with me now, helps build strong bones in our bodies.

What’s In It for Me?

To understand how this is important, let’s discuss what these enzymes do. An enzyme in your body acts as a catalyst? Do you remember what a catalyst does from high school chemistry? You do? That’s great! But there are others out there that don’t, so let me explain: a catalyst lowers the energy necessary for a chemical reaction.

So let’s talk about a chemical reaction… like the one that needs to happen for your muscle to contract and move your finger to click the mouse. The enzymes in your body make it easier for you to do this. And the magnesium in your body is making the enzymes lives’ easier by helping power this reaction.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Friday, October 2, 2009


What is Iodine?

Another trace element in your body, Iodine has the chemical symbol I and an atomic number of 53. In your body, Iodine is going to do one thing more than just about anything else: form the hormones produced by your thyroid. Now you’re probably sitting there asking yourself “What exactly does that thyroid do?”

The thyroid gland does a lot of things. It is the main control on how quickly your body burns off energy. Do you burn out quickly? That’s probably why. It helps make proteins, which we’ve already covered. And, on top of all of those things, it determines how sensitive your body is to other hormones. Iodine helps the thyroid do all these things.

What’s In It for Me?

Well, iodine has a lot going for it. If your metabolism is functioning properly, you’ll burn off those pounds quickly. You’ll burn off those calories your body needs more efficiently and stops the extras from being stored into fat. Your skin, teeth, nails, and hair will all be nice and strong and healthy. The toxins in your body? Iodine not only helps remove those, but it also helps you process calcium (and we’ve already covered how important that is)!

Are you feeling a little bit depressed? There’s a chance that it could be because of an iodine deficiency. Is your skin dry, do you feel tired all the time? That might be another sign that you’re not getting enough iodine into your body. Products like Seven+ can ensure that you get the iodine you need!

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


What is Iron?

Iron is a pretty common metal. You’ve probably interacted with at least three or four things made out of iron just so far this morning. With a chemical symbol Fe, and an atomic number of 26, Iron is one of those trace elements that we need to go about our lives as organic beings. It is an integral part of a lot of those enzymes and proteins that we’ve talked about before.

Where are you going to find iron in your body? Well, around two-thirds of it you’ll find in hemoglobin. I bet you’ve heard of that before at a doctor visit, but this hemoglobin is the protein in your blood that ferries oxygen around in your body.

What’s In It for Me?

Well, for one, the ferrying of oxygen around your body is kind of important. Our bodies need a lot of oxygen and getting it where it needs to go is just all kinds of important. Making sure you’ve got enough iron in your body will make sure you don’t feel drowsy all the time and help to increase your performance. It also helps maintain your immune system so you don’t catch all those nasty diseases going about!

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Monday, September 28, 2009


What is Lycopene?

Lycopene, with the chemical composition of C40H56, is one of those chemicals that are not a necessary part of your diet. You’ve probably had a little bit of in your diet from time to time. You know tomatoes? Of course you do. You know that red color? That pigment is lycopene. It functions as an antioxidant, like a number of other chemicals, but it also has a variety of other effects that it can have on the body.

What’s In It for Me?

Well, we’ve already covered what’s so great about the antioxidant effect on your body. Reduction of free radicals, lowering of damage on your cells, we’ve already tread this ground. So what else can lycopene do for you?

There have been studies that indicate that lycopene can lower your risk for prostate cancer. I think there are a lot of people, myself included, that would like to avoid that. In addition, it can also help prevent cardiovascular disease. On top of that, it can also decrease your risk for being sun burned… and I know I really hate getting a nasty sunburn.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Thursday, September 24, 2009


What is Magnesium?

With the chemical symbol Mg, Magnesium is a pretty awesome mineral. On the whole, Magnesium is the eleventh most prevalent mineral in your body right this second. Magnesium, because of its chemical makeup, is a very reactive material. This is a good thing because there are a lot of enzymes in your body right this second that need this reactive quality to perform their chemical duties!

Did you know that only about 33% of the American public meets their daily recommended allowance of Magnesium? That’s not exactly a lot of people, believe you me. So now you’re sitting there thinking to yourself, “Why would I want to be in that 33%?” Well, there’s a pretty easy answer to that.

What’s In It for Me?

To understand how this is important, let’s discuss what these enzymes do. An enzyme in your body acts as a catalyst. Do you remember what a catalyst does from high school chemistry? You do? That’s great! But there are others out there that don’t, so let me explain: a catalyst lowers the energy necessary for a chemical reaction.

So let’s talk about a chemical reaction… like the one that needs to happen for your muscle to contract and move your finger to click the mouse. The enzymes in your body make it easier for you to do this. And the magnesium in your body is making the enzymes lives’ easier by helping power this reaction.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trace Minerals

What are Trace Elements?

I know what you’re thinking. “Trace Elements of what?” Well, what we mean by Trace Elements are the other materials your body needs other than the primary four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.

These are the chemicals that can be found in any balanced diet… but come on, between you and me… how balanced is your diet really? That’s why products such as Seven+ can be so valuable. These products will help to replace the precious trace minerals that you burn off during the process

What’s In It for Me?

In general, these minerals are going to be replenishing your body by creating new, strong cells. They are the building blocks of our biology. By rounding out your diet with the proper balance of these materials, you can easily live stronger and healthier. All of these chemicals are positively vital to your health.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Friday, September 18, 2009

The Power of Zinc

What is Zinc?

Zinc is a mineral that occurs throughout nature. You’ve probably seen it on the periodic table back in chemistry class. Right there, under its chemical symbol Zn. You can find it in most meats, fish, nuts, and grains. It is one of the numerous trace minerals that your body needs on a daily basis to do what it does so well.

What’s In It for Me?

To best understand what zinc can do for you, it helps to know how it’s already working on your body. As you read this, you’ve probably got around two to four grams (or so) of zinc in your body. Most of it is located in your muscles, your bones, your kidneys, your liver, and your brain.

Think about where those are located for a second. Those are all pretty important areas of the body, aren’t they? I think we can both agree that you would be sunk without those particular organs; myself, I’m quite partial to my brain. It also speeds the healing of wounds and fortifies the immune and reproductive systems. Your liver will be stronger and your sense of smell and taste will be sharper.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Multiple Vitamins

What are All These Vitamins?

If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times. “This is a strong source of Vitamin A!” “Contains 100% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C!” For many of us, not a day goes by that we don’t hear that in one form or another from the media that surrounds us at all times. But do you really have any idea what all of that means? That’s what I’m here for; stick with me, we’ll get you through.

What is Vitamin A and What Can it Do for Me?

Vitamin A, in the form of retinol is a vitamin of important to vision and bone growth. When taken in recommended amounts, it can have a number of positive effects on the body. These include improving of vision and skin health.

What is Vitamin B Complex and What Can it Do for Me?

A collection of eight different types of the B Vitamin, Vitamin B Complex has a variety of effects on the body. It can increase your rate of metabolism (great for shedding those pounds), maintaining a healthy skin tone, fortify your immune system, promote cell growth, and even reduce the risks of certain types of cancer.

What is Vitamin C and What Can it Do for Me?

Vitamin C is another type of antioxidant (see the previous articles for information on this) and is not naturally occurring in the human body. In addition, it is required to form collagen (a protein responsible for repairing damage to the human body). It’s quite important that a body get the daily suggested amount of Vitamin C.

What is Vitamin E and What Can it Do for Me?

Another type of antioxidant (they’re everywhere you want to be) that performs this function by reinforcing cell walls. In addition to this, it acts as a means to prevent or at the very least delay heart disease in the human body.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Monday, September 14, 2009


What is an Antioxidant?

Well, to understand what an antioxidant does, you have to first understand what the oxidation process is. Oxidation, is the transfer of electrons (one of the building blocks of every atom that makes up your body) from one cell to another. This is a chemical reaction that is probably taking place in your body even as you read this.

This reaction can cause the creation of free radicals (highly reactive chemicals in the body that can damage cells). The reactions then caused by these free radicals can be harmful over long periods of time.

What's In It for Me?

Antioxidants have found their way into numerous dietary supplements. The goal is to essentially create a balance in the human body to prevent (at least as much as is possible) the degradation of your cells. This promotes a healthy cellular system in the long term. People who have a healthy amount of antioxidants in their diet have a lower risk of heart disease, as well as some neurological diseases.

I, for one, would certainly like a lower risk of cardiac pain and arrest... wouldn't you?

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009


What is a Phytochemical?

A phytochemical is a very interesting chemical that will naturally occur in plants. As a blanket, it is a term that is used to refer to a chemical that modern research is indicating can have a benefit on the human body. This can range from a reduction of swelling to a relief of pain in some cases.

A number of the fruits and vegetables have these medicinal properties. However, these chemicals may be damaged or even destroyed during processing… which can even include cooking. In addition, studies indicate that an absence of these chemicals in the body can increase your risk of getting preventable diseases.

What’s In It for Me?

These chemicals have been in use by people for generations. The most common of these is a chemical known as Salicin. This chemical has an anti-inflammatory effect (which is to say a process to remove irritation in the body) on the human body, as well as a pain-relieving effect. I’m sure that all sounds very complicated, but you might have heard of the mass-produced drug created from this chemical, Aspirin.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Monday, September 7, 2009

More About Xanthone

What is a xanthone and how can it help control my blood pressure?

Xanthones work with your countercurrent system by way of nephrons.

Don't feel bad. I had to look up most of those words too.

A nephron is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidneys. One of the many jobs that your kidneys perform is controlling how much water is rushing about in your bloodstream. I know... I know... "Why didn't you just say so?". What if you're ever on "Jeopardy" and that's the final answer? You can thank me later.

So, your kidneys are reabsorbing critical ions and water by means of your body's countercurrent system. This prevents loss of water. By using these methods, your body is better able to maintain a suitable blood pressure. Lower blood pressure means a healthier heart. Healthier heart means a healthier you. Healthier you means more energy while everyone else is lamenting that their get up and go has long since got up and went.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


What is Xanthone?

To understand this happy chemical, the first thing you should know is a little bit about its chemical makeup. What follows is going to be just a little bit of bland textbook chemistry. Be with me on this one, I won’t lead you astray.

Xanthone is an organic compound (meaning it contains carbon) that has a molecular structure that you might remember from chemistry class as C13H8O2. This chemical can have a positive effect on the human body, such as acting as an antioxidant, which prevents damage to cells.

What’s In It for Me?

To understand what an antioxidant such as Xanthone can do for you, you first have to understand what a free radical is. A free radical is a highly reactive atom that, because of its unpaired nature, can easily cause a chemical reaction in an environment. This can lead to all sorts of unpleasant chemicals that can cause cellular damage.

Those cells that are damaged by the free radicals? They’re in your body. I don’t want my cells damaged. I don’t suppose you want your cells damaged? No? That’s kind of what I figured. By introducing an antioxdant into the body, such as Xanthone, you can decrease potential damage to your cells.

Do You Want Some in Your Diet?

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